ბიოგრაფია და კვლევის ინტერესები
მაია როინიშვილი არის ივ. ბერიტაშვილის ექსპერიმენტული ბიომედიცინის ცენტრის მხედველობის ფიზიოლოგიის ლაბორატორიის უფროსი მეცნიერ-თანამშრომელი.
1998 წელს წარჩინებით დაამთავრა თბილისის ი. ჯავახიშვილის სახელობის უნივერსიტეტი. 2004 წელს მას მიენიჭა ბიოლოგიის მეცნიერებათა კანდიდატის (აკადემიური დოქტორის) ხარისხი საქართველოს მეცნიერებათა აკადემიის ივანე ბერიტაშვილის ფიზიოლოგიის ინსტიტუტის მიერ.
მისი სამეცნიერო კვლევის ძირითად ინტერესს წარმოადგენს მხედველობითი აღქმისა და კოგნიტური ფუნქციების თავისებურებების შესწავლა ჯანმრთელ პოპულაციასა და მენტალური დარღვევების მქონე პირებში. სამეცნიერო ინტერესი აგრეთვე მოიცავს კვლევებს ფსიქოფარმაკოლოგიის მიმართულებით.
აქვს ევროპის სხვადასხვა სამეცნიერო ცენტრებში მუშაობის გამოცდილება, მათ შორის: ლოზანის ტვინისა და აზროვნების ინსტიტუტი ((EPFL/LPSY, შვეიცარია), ბრემენის უნივერსიტეტი, ადამიანის ნეირობიოლოგიის ინსტიტუტი (გერმანია); ფსიქოლოგიისა და კოგნიტური კვლევის ინსტიტუტი ( ბრემენი, გერმანია).
წარმატებით მონაწილეობს სხვადასხვა ადგილობრივ თუ საერთაშორისო კონფერენციებსა და სიმპოზიუმებში.
მისი ავტორობითა და თანავტორობით გამოქვეყნებულია ორმოცამდე სამეცნიერო ნაშრომი და ერთი მონოგრაფია.
ს ტ ა ტ ი ე ბ ი:
1. Intskirveli I., Roinishvili M. (2001). "Behavioral Evidences for Color Constancy in the Guppies (Poecilia reticulata)". Bulletin of the Georgian Academy of Sciences, 163, N.1, p.133-135.
2. Janelidze D., Intskirveli I., Roinishvili M., Malania M., Sharikadze M. (2001). Plasticity of the color vision in adult humans. Georgian Journal of Neurosciences, N.1-1, 35-40
3. Janelidze D., Intskirveli I., Roinishvili M., Malania, M. Sharikadze M. (2002). Deviations from color standards in normal observers. Georgian Journal of Neuroscience, 1, N2, 71-75
4. Janelidze, D., Intskirveli, I., Roinishvili, M., Malania, M., Sharikadze, M. "Modified Visocontrastometry Test as a Method for Revealing Pathologies and Experimentally Induced Delicate Functional Shifts in the Visual System". Bulletin of the Georgian Academy of Sciences 2002, Vol. 165, No 1, 94-97.
5. ინწკირველი ი., კეზელი ა., მალანია მ., როინიშვილი მ., ჯანელიძე დ. (2002). „ფერადი შემდგომეფექტები ფერთა აღქმის კონსტანტობის მექანიზმების მონაწილეობით წარმოიქმნება“. საქ. მეცნ. აკად. მაცნე, სერ. ბიოლ. ა, ტ. 28 #1-2, გვ. 65-71
6. Sharikadze M., Tavartkiladze M., Malania M., Roinishvili M., Kezeli.A. (2002). Angular size illusion, produced on the basis of orientation-contingent after-effect. Georgian Journal of Neuroscience, 1, N2, 59-64
7. Roinishvili M., Kezeli A., Intskirveli I. (2002). “General impact of environmental factors on the development and functioning of color constancy mechanisms“. Bulletin of The Georgian Academy of Sciences, vol. 166, N.1, p.106-109.
8. Intskirveli I.E., Roinishvili M.O. and Kezeli A.R. (2002). “Experience-Dependent Color Constancy in Guppies (Poecilia reticulata)”. NEURAL PLASTICITY. Vol. 9, No. 3, 205-216.
9. ჯანელიძე დ., კეზელი ა., მალანია მ., როინიშვილი მ., ტარასაშვილი მ.(2004). „ ფერითი კონსტანტობის ტესტი- ფერადი მხედველობის სისტემისფუნქციური მდგომარეობის კვლევის მეთოდი“საქ. მეცნ. აკად. მაცნე, სერ. ბიოლ. ა, ტ. 30 #1-2, გვ. 143-149
10. Janelidze D., Intskirveli I., Kezeli A., Malania M., Roinishvili M., Khomeriki, M., Sharikadze M., Parkosadze Kh. (2004). Information processing in compensatory - correction mechanisms of visual system: conscious or unconscious process? Georgian Journal of Neurosciences, 1, N3, 35-39
11. Roinishvili M., Chkonia E., Herzog M.H., Brand A. (2007). Feature fusion in the orientation domain. Georgian Academy of Science, N4, 217-23
12. Roinishvili M, Chkonia E, Brand A, Herzog MH. (2008). Contextual suppression and protection in schizophrenic patients. Eur Arch Psychiatry Clin Neurosci. 258(4):210-6
13. Janelidze D., Roinishvili M., Pharkosadze C., Kezeli A., Emergence of contingent achromatic after-effects are determined by differences in the stimuli luminance. Proc. Georgian Acad. Sci., Biol. Ser. A, 2008, 34, 3-4, 257-265
14. Chkonia E., Roinishvili M., Kereselidze M., Makhatadze N. (2009). The relation between the general intellect of schizophrenic patients and psychopathological deterioration. Georgian Med News, 168:60-3
15. Chkonia E., Roinishvili M., Herzog M.H., Brand A. First-order relatives of schizophrenic patients are not impaired in the Continuous Performance Test (2010). Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 32: 5, 481-486
16. Chkonia E., Roinishvili M., Makhatadze N., Tsverava L., Stroux A., Neumann K., Herzog M.H., Brand A. (2010). The shine-through masking paradigm is a potential endophenotype of schizophrenia. PLoS ONE, 5(12): e14268
17. Roinishvili M., Chkonia E., Stroux A., Brand A., Herzog M.H. (2011). Combining vernier acuity and visual backward masking as a sensitive test in aging research. Vision Research, 51:417-423,
18. Surguladze S.A., Chkonia E.D., Kezeli A.R., Roinishvili M.O., Stahl D. & David A.S. (2012). The McCollough Effect and Facial Emotion Discrimination in Patients with Schizophrenia and Their Unaffected Relatives. Schizophrenia Bulletin, doi:10.1093/schbul/sbq141
19. Plomp G., Roinishvili M., Chkonia E., Kapanadze G., Kereselidze M., Brand A., HerzogM.H. (2012). Electrophysiological Evidence for Ventral Stream Deficits in Schizophrenia Patients. Schizophrenia Bulletin, doi:10.1093/schbul/sbr175
20. Chkonia E., Roinishvili M., Reichard L., Wurch W., Puhlmann H., Grimsen C., Herzog M.H., Brand A. (2012). Patients with functional psychoses show similar visual backward masking deficits. Psychiatry Res.
21. Bakanidze G, Roinishvili M, Chkonia E, Kitzrow W, Richter S, Neumann K, Herzog MH, Brand A, Puls I. (2013). Association of the nicotinic receptor @7 subunit gene (CHRNA7) with schizophrenia and visual backward masking. Biological Psychiatry. Front Psychiatry. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2013.00133.
22. Herzog MH, Roinishvili M, Chkonia E, Brand A. (2013). Schizophrenia and visual backward masking: a general deficit of target enhancement. Front Psychol. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2013.00254.
23. Tomescu M.I., Rihs T.A.,Roinishvili M., Karahanoglu F.I., Schneider M., Mengheti S., Van De Ville D., Brand A., Chkonia E., Eliez S., Herzog M.H., Michel C.M., Cappe C (2015). Schizophrenia patients and 22q11.2 deletion syndrome adolescents at risk express the same deviant patterns of resting state EEG microstates: A candidate endophenotype of schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Research: Cognition , Volume 2 , Issue 3 , 159 – 165
24. Shaqiri A., Willemin J., Sierro G.,Roinishvili M., Iannntuoni L., Rurup L., Chkonia E., Herzog M.H., Mohr C. (2015). Does nicotine consumption influence visual backward masking in schizophrenia and schizotypy? Schizophrenia Research: Cognition , Volume 2 , Issue 2 , 93 – 99
25. Roinishvili M, Cappe C, Shaqiri A, Brand A, Rürup L, Chkonia E, Herzog MH. (2015). Crowding, grouping, and gain control in schizophrenia. Psychiatry Res. 2015 Apr 30;226(2-3):441-5. doi: 10.1016/j.psychres.2015.01.009. Epub 2015 Jan 31
26. Lauffs MM., Shaqiri A., Brand A., Roinishvili M., Chkonia E., Ogmen H., Herzog M.H., (2016). Local versus global and retinotopic versus non-retinotopic motion processing in schizophrenia patients. Psychiatry Research 246C (2016) pp. 461-465 DOI information: 10.1016/j.psychres. IF – 2.46
27. Favrod O., Sierro G., Roinishvili M., Chkonia E., Mohr Ch., Herzog M. H. and Cappe C. (2017). Electrophysiological Correlates of Visual Backward Masking in High Schizotypic Personality Traits Participants. Psychiatry Research pp.254:251-257.
28. Shaqiri A, Roinishvili M, Grzeczkowski L, Chkonia E, Pilz K, Mohr C, Brand A, Kunchulia M, Herzog MH (2018). Sex-related differences in vision are heterogeneous. Scientific Reports, 8(1):7521, p1-10.
29. Shaqiri A, Roinishvili M, Kaliuzhna M, Favrod O, Chkonia E, Herzog MH, Blanke O, Salomon R (2018). Rethinking Body Ownership in Schizophrenia: Experimental and Meta-analytical Approaches Show no Evidence for Deficits. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 44(3), p643-652
30. Grzeczkowski L, Roinishvili M, Chkonia E, Brand A, Mast FW, Herzog MH, Shaqiri A (2018). Is the perception of illusions abnormal in schizophrenia? Psychiatry Research, 270, p929-939
31. Favrod O, Roinishvili M, Ramos da Cruz JN, Brand A, Okruashvili M, Gamkrelidze T, Figueiredo P, Herzog MH, Chkonia E, Shaqiri A (2018). Electrophysiological correlates of visual backward masking in patients with first episode psychosis. Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging, 282, p64-72
32. Jonauskaite, D., Abdel-Khalekb A.M., Abu-Akela A. et al. Chkonia E, Roinishvili M., Romanyuk L., et al., (2019). The sun is no fun without rain: Physical environments affect how we feel about yellow across 55 countries”. Journal of Environmental Psychology, Vol.66, 101350. doi:10.1016/j.jenvp.2019.101350
33. Favrod O, da Cruz JR, Roinishvili M, Berdzenishvili E, Brand A, Figueiredo P, Herzog MH, Chkonia E. (2019). Electrophysiological correlates of visual backward masking in patients with major depressive disorder. Psychiatry Res Neuroimaging. 2019 Dec 30;294:111004. doi: 10.1016/j.pscychresns.2019.111004. Epub 2019 Oct 28. PMID: 31704371.
34. Fernandes TP, Shaqiri A, Brand A, Nogueira RL, Herzog MH, Roinishvili M, Santos NA, Chkonia E. (2019). Schizophrenia patients using atypical medication perform better in visual tasks than patients using typical medication. 10.1016/j.psychres.2019.03.008
35. Jonauskaite D, Abu-Akel A, Dael N, Oberfeld D, Abdel-Khalek AM, Al-Rasheed AS, Antonietti JP, Bogushevskaya V, Chamseddine A, Chkonia E, Corona V, Fonseca-Pedrero E, Griber YA, Grimshaw G, Hasan AA, Havelka J, Hirnstein M, Karlsson BSA, Laurent E, Lindeman M, Marquardt L, Mefoh P, Papadatou-Pastou M, Pérez-Albéniz A, Pouyan N, Roinishvili M, Romanyuk L, Salgado Montejo A, Schrag Y, Sultanova A, Uusküla M, Vainio S, Wąsowicz G, Zdravković S, Zhang M, Mohr C. (2020). Universal Patterns in Color-Emotion Associations Are Further Shaped by Linguistic and Geographic Proximity. Psychol Sci. 2020 Oct;31(10):1245-1260. doi: 10.1177/0956797620948810. Epub 2020 Sep 8.PMID: 32900287
36. Ramos da Cruz JN, Jashari-Shaqiri A, Roinishvili M, Favrod O, Chkonia E, Brand A, Figueiredo P, Herzog MH (2020). Neural Compensation Mechanisms of Siblings of Schizophrenia Patients as Revealed by High-Density EEG. Schizophrenia Bulletin, sbz133
37. Ramos da Cruz JN, Favrod O, Roinishvili M, Chkonia E, Brand A, Mohr C, Figueiredo P, Herzog MH (2020). EEG microstates are a candidate endophenotype for schizophrenia. Nature Communications, 11(3089), p1-11
38. Garobbio SA, Roinishvili M, Favrod O, Ramos da Cruz JN, Chkonia E, Brand A, Herzog MH (2021). Electrophysiological correlates of visual backward masking in patients with bipolar disorder. Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging, 307:111206, p1-10
1. ჭყონია ეკა, როინიშვილი მაია (2013). კოგნიტიური და პერცეპტუალური ფუნქციების დარღვევათა თავისებურებები შიზოფრენიის დროს. გამომცემლობა "ქართული აკადემიური წიგნი".
1. Intskirveli I., Roinishvili M. (2001). "Behavioral Evidences for Color Constancy in the Guppies (Poecilia reticulata)". Bulletin of the Georgian Academy of Sciences, 163, N.1, p.133-135.
2. Janelidze D., Intskirveli I., Roinishvili M., Malania M., Sharikadze M. (2001). Plasticity of the color vision in adult humans. Georgian Journal of Neurosciences, N.1-1, 35-40
3. Janelidze D., Intskirveli I., Roinishvili M., Malania, M. Sharikadze M. (2002). Deviations from color standards in normal observers. Georgian Journal of Neuroscience, 1, N2, 71-75
4. Janelidze, D., Intskirveli, I., Roinishvili, M., Malania, M., Sharikadze, M. "Modified Visocontrastometry Test as a Method for Revealing Pathologies and Experimentally Induced Delicate Functional Shifts in the Visual System". Bulletin of the Georgian Academy of Sciences 2002, Vol. 165, No 1, 94-97.
5. ინწკირველი ი., კეზელი ა., მალანია მ., როინიშვილი მ., ჯანელიძე დ. (2002). „ფერადი შემდგომეფექტები ფერთა აღქმის კონსტანტობის მექანიზმების მონაწილეობით წარმოიქმნება“. საქ. მეცნ. აკად. მაცნე, სერ. ბიოლ. ა, ტ. 28 #1-2, გვ. 65-71
6. Sharikadze M., Tavartkiladze M., Malania M., Roinishvili M., Kezeli.A. (2002). Angular size illusion, produced on the basis of orientation-contingent after-effect. Georgian Journal of Neuroscience, 1, N2, 59-64
7. Roinishvili M., Kezeli A., Intskirveli I. (2002). “General impact of environmental factors on the development and functioning of color constancy mechanisms“. Bulletin of The Georgian Academy of Sciences, vol. 166, N.1, p.106-109.
8. Intskirveli I.E., Roinishvili M.O. and Kezeli A.R. (2002). “Experience-Dependent Color Constancy in Guppies (Poecilia reticulata)”. NEURAL PLASTICITY. Vol. 9, No. 3, 205-216.
9. ჯანელიძე დ., კეზელი ა., მალანია მ., როინიშვილი მ., ტარასაშვილი მ.(2004). „ ფერითი კონსტანტობის ტესტი- ფერადი მხედველობის სისტემისფუნქციური მდგომარეობის კვლევის მეთოდი“საქ. მეცნ. აკად. მაცნე, სერ. ბიოლ. ა, ტ. 30 #1-2, გვ. 143-149
10. Janelidze D., Intskirveli I., Kezeli A., Malania M., Roinishvili M., Khomeriki, M., Sharikadze M., Parkosadze Kh. (2004). Information processing in compensatory - correction mechanisms of visual system: conscious or unconscious process? Georgian Journal of Neurosciences, 1, N3, 35-39
11. Roinishvili M., Chkonia E., Herzog M.H., Brand A. (2007). Feature fusion in the orientation domain. Georgian Academy of Science, N4, 217-23
12. Roinishvili M, Chkonia E, Brand A, Herzog MH. (2008). Contextual suppression and protection in schizophrenic patients. Eur Arch Psychiatry Clin Neurosci. 258(4):210-6
13. Janelidze D., Roinishvili M., Pharkosadze C., Kezeli A., Emergence of contingent achromatic after-effects are determined by differences in the stimuli luminance. Proc. Georgian Acad. Sci., Biol. Ser. A, 2008, 34, 3-4, 257-265
14. Chkonia E., Roinishvili M., Kereselidze M., Makhatadze N. (2009). The relation between the general intellect of schizophrenic patients and psychopathological deterioration. Georgian Med News, 168:60-3
15. Chkonia E., Roinishvili M., Herzog M.H., Brand A. First-order relatives of schizophrenic patients are not impaired in the Continuous Performance Test (2010). Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 32: 5, 481-486
16. Chkonia E., Roinishvili M., Makhatadze N., Tsverava L., Stroux A., Neumann K., Herzog M.H., Brand A. (2010). The shine-through masking paradigm is a potential endophenotype of schizophrenia. PLoS ONE, 5(12): e14268
17. Roinishvili M., Chkonia E., Stroux A., Brand A., Herzog M.H. (2011). Combining vernier acuity and visual backward masking as a sensitive test in aging research. Vision Research, 51:417-423,
18. Surguladze S.A., Chkonia E.D., Kezeli A.R., Roinishvili M.O., Stahl D. & David A.S. (2012). The McCollough Effect and Facial Emotion Discrimination in Patients with Schizophrenia and Their Unaffected Relatives. Schizophrenia Bulletin, doi:10.1093/schbul/sbq141
19. Plomp G., Roinishvili M., Chkonia E., Kapanadze G., Kereselidze M., Brand A., HerzogM.H. (2012). Electrophysiological Evidence for Ventral Stream Deficits in Schizophrenia Patients. Schizophrenia Bulletin, doi:10.1093/schbul/sbr175
20. Chkonia E., Roinishvili M., Reichard L., Wurch W., Puhlmann H., Grimsen C., Herzog M.H., Brand A. (2012). Patients with functional psychoses show similar visual backward masking deficits. Psychiatry Res.
21. Bakanidze G, Roinishvili M, Chkonia E, Kitzrow W, Richter S, Neumann K, Herzog MH, Brand A, Puls I. (2013). Association of the nicotinic receptor @7 subunit gene (CHRNA7) with schizophrenia and visual backward masking. Biological Psychiatry. Front Psychiatry. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2013.00133.
22. Herzog MH, Roinishvili M, Chkonia E, Brand A. (2013). Schizophrenia and visual backward masking: a general deficit of target enhancement. Front Psychol. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2013.00254.
23. Tomescu M.I., Rihs T.A.,Roinishvili M., Karahanoglu F.I., Schneider M., Mengheti S., Van De Ville D., Brand A., Chkonia E., Eliez S., Herzog M.H., Michel C.M., Cappe C (2015). Schizophrenia patients and 22q11.2 deletion syndrome adolescents at risk express the same deviant patterns of resting state EEG microstates: A candidate endophenotype of schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Research: Cognition , Volume 2 , Issue 3 , 159 – 165
24. Shaqiri A., Willemin J., Sierro G.,Roinishvili M., Iannntuoni L., Rurup L., Chkonia E., Herzog M.H., Mohr C. (2015). Does nicotine consumption influence visual backward masking in schizophrenia and schizotypy? Schizophrenia Research: Cognition , Volume 2 , Issue 2 , 93 – 99
25. Roinishvili M, Cappe C, Shaqiri A, Brand A, Rürup L, Chkonia E, Herzog MH. (2015). Crowding, grouping, and gain control in schizophrenia. Psychiatry Res. 2015 Apr 30;226(2-3):441-5. doi: 10.1016/j.psychres.2015.01.009. Epub 2015 Jan 31
26. Lauffs MM., Shaqiri A., Brand A., Roinishvili M., Chkonia E., Ogmen H., Herzog M.H., (2016). Local versus global and retinotopic versus non-retinotopic motion processing in schizophrenia patients. Psychiatry Research 246C (2016) pp. 461-465 DOI information: 10.1016/j.psychres. IF – 2.46
27. Favrod O., Sierro G., Roinishvili M., Chkonia E., Mohr Ch., Herzog M. H. and Cappe C. (2017). Electrophysiological Correlates of Visual Backward Masking in High Schizotypic Personality Traits Participants. Psychiatry Research pp.254:251-257.
28. Shaqiri A, Roinishvili M, Grzeczkowski L, Chkonia E, Pilz K, Mohr C, Brand A, Kunchulia M, Herzog MH (2018). Sex-related differences in vision are heterogeneous. Scientific Reports, 8(1):7521, p1-10.
29. Shaqiri A, Roinishvili M, Kaliuzhna M, Favrod O, Chkonia E, Herzog MH, Blanke O, Salomon R (2018). Rethinking Body Ownership in Schizophrenia: Experimental and Meta-analytical Approaches Show no Evidence for Deficits. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 44(3), p643-652
30. Grzeczkowski L, Roinishvili M, Chkonia E, Brand A, Mast FW, Herzog MH, Shaqiri A (2018). Is the perception of illusions abnormal in schizophrenia? Psychiatry Research, 270, p929-939
31. Favrod O, Roinishvili M, Ramos da Cruz JN, Brand A, Okruashvili M, Gamkrelidze T, Figueiredo P, Herzog MH, Chkonia E, Shaqiri A (2018). Electrophysiological correlates of visual backward masking in patients with first episode psychosis. Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging, 282, p64-72
32. Jonauskaite, D., Abdel-Khalekb A.M., Abu-Akela A. et al. Chkonia E, Roinishvili M., Romanyuk L., et al., (2019). The sun is no fun without rain: Physical environments affect how we feel about yellow across 55 countries”. Journal of Environmental Psychology, Vol.66, 101350. doi:10.1016/j.jenvp.2019.101350
33. Favrod O, da Cruz JR, Roinishvili M, Berdzenishvili E, Brand A, Figueiredo P, Herzog MH, Chkonia E. (2019). Electrophysiological correlates of visual backward masking in patients with major depressive disorder. Psychiatry Res Neuroimaging. 2019 Dec 30;294:111004. doi: 10.1016/j.pscychresns.2019.111004. Epub 2019 Oct 28. PMID: 31704371.
34. Fernandes TP, Shaqiri A, Brand A, Nogueira RL, Herzog MH, Roinishvili M, Santos NA, Chkonia E. (2019). Schizophrenia patients using atypical medication perform better in visual tasks than patients using typical medication. 10.1016/j.psychres.2019.03.008
35. Jonauskaite D, Abu-Akel A, Dael N, Oberfeld D, Abdel-Khalek AM, Al-Rasheed AS, Antonietti JP, Bogushevskaya V, Chamseddine A, Chkonia E, Corona V, Fonseca-Pedrero E, Griber YA, Grimshaw G, Hasan AA, Havelka J, Hirnstein M, Karlsson BSA, Laurent E, Lindeman M, Marquardt L, Mefoh P, Papadatou-Pastou M, Pérez-Albéniz A, Pouyan N, Roinishvili M, Romanyuk L, Salgado Montejo A, Schrag Y, Sultanova A, Uusküla M, Vainio S, Wąsowicz G, Zdravković S, Zhang M, Mohr C. (2020). Universal Patterns in Color-Emotion Associations Are Further Shaped by Linguistic and Geographic Proximity. Psychol Sci. 2020 Oct;31(10):1245-1260. doi: 10.1177/0956797620948810. Epub 2020 Sep 8.PMID: 32900287
36. Ramos da Cruz JN, Jashari-Shaqiri A, Roinishvili M, Favrod O, Chkonia E, Brand A, Figueiredo P, Herzog MH (2020). Neural Compensation Mechanisms of Siblings of Schizophrenia Patients as Revealed by High-Density EEG. Schizophrenia Bulletin, sbz133
37. Ramos da Cruz JN, Favrod O, Roinishvili M, Chkonia E, Brand A, Mohr C, Figueiredo P, Herzog MH (2020). EEG microstates are a candidate endophenotype for schizophrenia. Nature Communications, 11(3089), p1-11
38. Garobbio SA, Roinishvili M, Favrod O, Ramos da Cruz JN, Chkonia E, Brand A, Herzog MH (2021). Electrophysiological correlates of visual backward masking in patients with bipolar disorder. Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging, 307:111206, p1-10
1. ჭყონია ეკა, როინიშვილი მაია (2013). კოგნიტიური და პერცეპტუალური ფუნქციების დარღვევათა თავისებურებები შიზოფრენიის დროს. გამომცემლობა "ქართული აკადემიური წიგნი".
1. ინწკირველიი., ჯანელიძე დ., როინიშვილი მ., (1998). “ტოქსიკური ფაქტორების მხედველობის ფუნქციაზე უარყოფითი მოქმედების ადრეულ ეტაპზე გამოვლენის მეთოდები”. VI რესპუბლიკური სამეცნიერო-პრაქტიკული კონფერენცია, ქუთაისი, გვ. 33-34.
2. შარიქაძე მ., მალანია მ., როინიშვილი მ., თავართქილაძე მ. (2000). “ახალი ტიპის განპირობებული მხედველობითი შემდგომეფექტები”. საქართველოს ფიზიოლოგთა II ყრილობა, თბილისი, გვ. 166-167.
3. კეზელი ა., ჯანელიძე დ., ინწკირველი ი., კეზელი თ., როინიშვილი მ., ლებანიძე თ. (2000). “მაკ-კოლაფის ტიპის ადაპტაციის გავლენა თანდაყოლილ და ხელოვნურად გამოწვეულ ფერით ანომალიებზე”. საქართველოს ფიზიოლოგთა II ყრილობა, , თბილისი, გვ. 78-79.
4. მ. როინიშვილი (2001). ,,გარემოს ფერითი მახასიათებლების გავლენა ფერთა აღქმის კონსტანტობის მექანიზმთა ჩამოყალიბებაზე”. საქართველოს ახალგაზრდა ნეირომეცნიერთა კონფერენცია. 1-2 ნოემბერი, თბილისი.
5. Sharikadze, M., Roinishvili, M., Lomashvili, N, "Temporal properties of center-periphery interaction in visual image analysis ", Workshop "Experimental Methods for Brain Studies in Health and Disease", October 23-25, 2001. Prague, Czech Republic.
6. Malania M., Janelidze D., Roinishvili M. (2001), Colour sensitivity function and specific visual adaptation. The Sixth Applied Vision Association Christmas Meeting (AVA), Aston, UK
7. Intskirveli, I., Roinishvili, M. (2001), “Colour vision function and individual visual experiences”. First joint meeting of European Brain and Behavior Society and European Behavioral Pharmacology Society. Behavioral Pharmacology, Vol.12, Suppl.1, p. 49, September 8-12, Marseille, France
8. Malania M., Kezeli A., Kezeli T., Roinishvili M. The double illusion: A new type of color after-effect. Presented at the Joint Meeting of the Physiological Society, 15-19 March, (2002), Tubingen, Germany. Published in the Pflgers Archiv - European Journal of Physiology, vol. 443, Supplement 2
9. Intskirveli, I.E., Roinishvili, M.O., Kezeli, A R (2003). ,, Experience Dependent development and plasticity of colour constancy in guppies” (Poecilia reticulata). 26 European conferences on visual perception. Perception, Vol.32. p. 149. Paris, 1-5 September , France
10. Roinishvili M., Kezeli A., Intskirveli I. (2003). Environmental Factors and Postnatal Development of Function of Colour Constancy in Guppies (Poecilia reticulata). Sixth IBRO World Congress of Neuroscience, July 10-15, Prague, Czech Republic
11. Malania M., Janelidze D., Roinishvili M., Kezeli A. Induction of Mc-Collough effect causes changes in capacity for constant perception of colour. ECVP 2004, August 22-26, Budapest, Hungary (Perception, 2004, Suppl.)
12. Roinishvili, M., Chkonia, E., Kezeli, A., Brand, A., Herzog, M.H. Deficits of visual information processing in schizophrenic patients and their healthy relatives. ECVP 2005, August 22-26, Spain, A Coruna (Perception, 2005, Suppl.)
13. Roinishvili M., Chkonia E., Kezeli A., Herzog M.H., Brand A. Complex contextual suppression in schizophrenic patients. ECVP 2006, Perception, 2006, Vol.35, Suppl.
14. Janelidze D., Intskirveli I., Roinishvili M., Parkosadze K., Chichua G., Kezeli A. (2006). Achromatic McCollough effect is activated by stimulus luminance. ECVP 2006, Perception, Vol.35
15. Herzog M.H., Roinishvili M., Brand A. (2006). Top-down and Bottom-up Processing in Schizophrenic Patients. 6th Conference of Cognitive Neuropsychiatry, Bremen, Germany
16. Roinishvili M., Chkonia E., Kezeli A., Brand A., Herzog M.H. (2007). Backward masking as an endophenotipe of schizophrenia. 2th Annual EPFL Life Sciences Symposium(LSS07), Lausanne, Switzerland
17. Roinishvili M., Chkonia E., Kezeli A., Brand A., Herzog M.H. (2007). Deteriorated backward masking in healthy relatives of schizophrenic patients. 10th Congress of the Swiss Society of Psychology Differences, Diversity, and Charge. Zürich, Switzerland
18. Chkonia E., Roinishvili M., Herzog M.H., Brand A. The relation between the general intellect of schizophrenic patients and psychopathological deterioration. WFSBP Congress 2009, Paris, France
19. Roinishvili M., Chkonia E., Brand A. Herzog M.H. (2009). Schizophrenic and Bipolar Patients Reveal Identical Backward Masking Deficits. ECVP 2009, Regensburg, Germany
20. Roinishvili M., Chkonia E., Kezeli A., Brand A. Herzog M.H. (2009). Deteriorated backward masking in schizophrenic patients and their relatives. Proceedings of the XXXVI International Congress of Physiological Sciences (IUPS2009). Function of Life: Elements and Integration, July 27–August 1, Kyoto, Japan
21. Parkosadze K., Kunchulia M., Roinishvili M., Herzog M.H. (2009) Age-related differences in temporal processing. ECVP 2009, Regensburg, Germany
22. Brand A., Chkonia E., Roinishvili M., Herzog M.H., The degraded Conrinuous Performance Test: no endophenotype for schrizophrenia, 2nd European Conference on Schizophenia Research, Berlin 2009
23. Roinishvili M., Chkonia E., Herzog M.H., Brand A., Shared backward masking deficits in schizophrenic and bipolar patients. 2nd European Conference on Schizophenia Research, Berlin 2009
24. Bakanidze G., Puls I., Brand A., Herzog M.H., Roinishvili M., Chkonia E. The influence of genetic variants of the CHRNA7 gene on backward masking in schizophrenic patients. 2nd European Conference on Schizophenia Research, Berlin 2009
25. Roinishvili M., Bakanidze G., Chkonia E. Brand A., Puls I., Herzog M.H. (2010). Visual backward masking deficits in schizophrenic patients are associated with polymorphisms in the nicotinic receptor 7 subunit gene (CHRNA7) .ECVP 2010, Lausanne, Switzerland
26. Roinishvili M., Chkonia E., Kapanadze G, Brand A., Herzog M.H., Plomp G. (2011). Ventral stream processing deficits in schizophrenia. ECVP 2011,Toulouse, France
27. Roinishvili M., Chkonia E., Reichard L., Wurch W., Puhlmann H., Grimsen C., Herzog M.H., Brand A. Backward masking reveals different visual processing of schizophrenic and depressive patients. ECVP 2012, Alghero, Italy.
28. Roinishvili M., Chkonia E., Tomescu M.I., Brand B., Michel C.M. Herzog M.H., Cappe C. (2013), Aberrant evoked and resting state EEG in schizophrenia. ECVP 2013, Bremen, Germany
29. Roinishvili M, Chkonia E., Reichard L., Wurch W., Puhlmann H., Grimsen C., Herzog M. H., Brand A. (2014). BACKWARD MASKING PERFORMANCE IN PSYCHOTIC AND NON-PSYCHOTIC PATIENTS. FENS, 5-9 September, Milan, Italy
30. Roinishvili M., Chkonia E., Cappe C., Shaqiri A., Brand A., Herzog M. H.. (2014). Endophenotypes of schizophrenia. Annual NCCR meeting, April, Villars, Switzerland.
31. Roinishvili M. III International Symposium: “Neuroplasticity: Nervous Substrate for Health and Diseases. New Approaches for Research“. 2-4 October, 2014, Tbilisi, Georgia
32. Roinishvili M. ECNP Seminar in Neuropsychopharmacology. 28-30 November, 2014 Lopota, Georgia
33. Shaqiri A., Roinishvili M., Favrod O., Chkonia E., Brand A., Herzog M. (2015). Endophenotypes of Schizophrenia: electrophysiological correlates of first episode patients. Annual meeting of NCCR, Villars, Switzerland, 17-18April, 2015.
34. Roinishvili, M., Cappe, C., Shaqiri, A., Brand, A., Chkonia, E., Herzog M.H. What crowding tells about schizophrenia. ECVP 2015, Liverpool, England.
35. როინიშვილი მ. ,, მხედველობითი უკუშენიღბვა ფსიქოზურ პაციენტებში“. მეცნიერებისა და ინოვაციების საერთაშორისო კვირეული. თბილისი, ნოემბერი, 2015
36. Roinishvili M., Lauffs, MM., Shaqiri, A., Brand, A., Chkonia, E.,Öğmen, H., Herzog, MH. (2016). Complex motion processing in patients with schizophrenia. ECNP2016 Vienna, Austria.
37. Roinishvili M., Chkonia E., Reichard L., Wurch W. et al.(2016) Visual Backward masking: a comparison between schizophrenia,depressive, schizoaffective, and bipolar patients. VSS 2016, 13-18 May; St. Pete Beach, Florida
38. Roinishvili, M., Chkonia, E., Reichard, L., Wurch, W., Puhlmann, H., Grimsen, C., Herzog, M. H., Brand, A. (2016). Backward masking performance in patients with functional psychoses. WPA 2016, Tbilisi,
39. Roinishvili, M., Oqruashvili, M.,Gamkrelidze, T.,Herzog, M. H.,Chkonia, E.,. (2016) Impaired cognitive functioning in first-episode patients. ECVP 2016, 28 August-1st of September; Barcelona, Spain
40. Roinishvili M., Favrod 0., Ramos Da Cruz J.,. Shaqiri A, Oqruashvili M., Gamkrelidze T., Chkonia E., Brand A. , Herzog M. H. (2017). 40th European Conference on Visual Perception (ECVP 2017), Berlin Germany
41. Roinishvili M., Grzeczkowski L, Shaqiri A., Okruashvili M., Chkonia E., Brand A., Mast F.W., Herzog M. H. (2018). Perception of visual illusions is intact in schizophrenia. 41th European on Visual Perception (ECVP 2018), Trieste, Italy
42. Favrod O, Ramos da Cruz JN, Roinishvili M, Chkonia E, Brand A, Herzog MH (2019). Visual masking in Schizophrenia: an endophenotype and its neural correlates. 7th European Conference on Schizophrenia Research (ECSR) (Sep 26-28, 2019 in Berlin, Germany).
43. Ramos da Cruz JN, Favrod O, Roinishvili M, Chkonia E, Brand A, Mohr C, Figueiredo P, Herzog MH (2019). EEG microstates in schizophrenia: a candidate endophenotype. 7th European Conference on Schizophrenia Research (ECSR) (Sep 26-28, 2019 in Berlin, Germany).
44. Herzog MH, Ramos da Cruz JN, Favrod O, Jashari-Shaqiri A, Brand A, Roinishvili M, Chkonia E (2019). (Visual) Endophenotypes in schizophrenia research. 7th European Conference on Schizophrenia Research (ECSR) (Sep 26-28, 2019 in Berlin, Germany).
45. Ramos da Cruz JN, Favrod O, Roinishvili M, Chkonia E, Brand A, Mohr C, Figueiredo P, Herzog MH (2019). EEG microstates and the schizophrenia spectrum: evidence for compensation mechanisms. Annual meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM) (June 9-13, 2019 in Rome, Italy).
1. ინწკირველიი., ჯანელიძე დ., როინიშვილი მ., (1998). “ტოქსიკური ფაქტორების მხედველობის ფუნქციაზე უარყოფითი მოქმედების ადრეულ ეტაპზე გამოვლენის მეთოდები”. VI რესპუბლიკური სამეცნიერო-პრაქტიკული კონფერენცია, ქუთაისი, გვ. 33-34.
2. შარიქაძე მ., მალანია მ., როინიშვილი მ., თავართქილაძე მ. (2000). “ახალი ტიპის განპირობებული მხედველობითი შემდგომეფექტები”. საქართველოს ფიზიოლოგთა II ყრილობა, თბილისი, გვ. 166-167.
3. კეზელი ა., ჯანელიძე დ., ინწკირველი ი., კეზელი თ., როინიშვილი მ., ლებანიძე თ. (2000). “მაკ-კოლაფის ტიპის ადაპტაციის გავლენა თანდაყოლილ და ხელოვნურად გამოწვეულ ფერით ანომალიებზე”. საქართველოს ფიზიოლოგთა II ყრილობა, , თბილისი, გვ. 78-79.
4. მ. როინიშვილი (2001). ,,გარემოს ფერითი მახასიათებლების გავლენა ფერთა აღქმის კონსტანტობის მექანიზმთა ჩამოყალიბებაზე”. საქართველოს ახალგაზრდა ნეირომეცნიერთა კონფერენცია. 1-2 ნოემბერი, თბილისი.
5. Sharikadze, M., Roinishvili, M., Lomashvili, N, "Temporal properties of center-periphery interaction in visual image analysis ", Workshop "Experimental Methods for Brain Studies in Health and Disease", October 23-25, 2001. Prague, Czech Republic.
6. Malania M., Janelidze D., Roinishvili M. (2001), Colour sensitivity function and specific visual adaptation. The Sixth Applied Vision Association Christmas Meeting (AVA), Aston, UK
7. Intskirveli, I., Roinishvili, M. (2001), “Colour vision function and individual visual experiences”. First joint meeting of European Brain and Behavior Society and European Behavioral Pharmacology Society. Behavioral Pharmacology, Vol.12, Suppl.1, p. 49, September 8-12, Marseille, France
8. Malania M., Kezeli A., Kezeli T., Roinishvili M. The double illusion: A new type of color after-effect. Presented at the Joint Meeting of the Physiological Society, 15-19 March, (2002), Tubingen, Germany. Published in the Pflgers Archiv - European Journal of Physiology, vol. 443, Supplement 2
9. Intskirveli, I.E., Roinishvili, M.O., Kezeli, A R (2003). ,, Experience Dependent development and plasticity of colour constancy in guppies” (Poecilia reticulata). 26 European conferences on visual perception. Perception, Vol.32. p. 149. Paris, 1-5 September , France
10. Roinishvili M., Kezeli A., Intskirveli I. (2003). Environmental Factors and Postnatal Development of Function of Colour Constancy in Guppies (Poecilia reticulata). Sixth IBRO World Congress of Neuroscience, July 10-15, Prague, Czech Republic
11. Malania M., Janelidze D., Roinishvili M., Kezeli A. Induction of Mc-Collough effect causes changes in capacity for constant perception of colour. ECVP 2004, August 22-26, Budapest, Hungary (Perception, 2004, Suppl.)
12. Roinishvili, M., Chkonia, E., Kezeli, A., Brand, A., Herzog, M.H. Deficits of visual information processing in schizophrenic patients and their healthy relatives. ECVP 2005, August 22-26, Spain, A Coruna (Perception, 2005, Suppl.)
13. Roinishvili M., Chkonia E., Kezeli A., Herzog M.H., Brand A. Complex contextual suppression in schizophrenic patients. ECVP 2006, Perception, 2006, Vol.35, Suppl.
14. Janelidze D., Intskirveli I., Roinishvili M., Parkosadze K., Chichua G., Kezeli A. (2006). Achromatic McCollough effect is activated by stimulus luminance. ECVP 2006, Perception, Vol.35
15. Herzog M.H., Roinishvili M., Brand A. (2006). Top-down and Bottom-up Processing in Schizophrenic Patients. 6th Conference of Cognitive Neuropsychiatry, Bremen, Germany
16. Roinishvili M., Chkonia E., Kezeli A., Brand A., Herzog M.H. (2007). Backward masking as an endophenotipe of schizophrenia. 2th Annual EPFL Life Sciences Symposium(LSS07), Lausanne, Switzerland
17. Roinishvili M., Chkonia E., Kezeli A., Brand A., Herzog M.H. (2007). Deteriorated backward masking in healthy relatives of schizophrenic patients. 10th Congress of the Swiss Society of Psychology Differences, Diversity, and Charge. Zürich, Switzerland
18. Chkonia E., Roinishvili M., Herzog M.H., Brand A. The relation between the general intellect of schizophrenic patients and psychopathological deterioration. WFSBP Congress 2009, Paris, France
19. Roinishvili M., Chkonia E., Brand A. Herzog M.H. (2009). Schizophrenic and Bipolar Patients Reveal Identical Backward Masking Deficits. ECVP 2009, Regensburg, Germany
20. Roinishvili M., Chkonia E., Kezeli A., Brand A. Herzog M.H. (2009). Deteriorated backward masking in schizophrenic patients and their relatives. Proceedings of the XXXVI International Congress of Physiological Sciences (IUPS2009). Function of Life: Elements and Integration, July 27–August 1, Kyoto, Japan
21. Parkosadze K., Kunchulia M., Roinishvili M., Herzog M.H. (2009) Age-related differences in temporal processing. ECVP 2009, Regensburg, Germany
22. Brand A., Chkonia E., Roinishvili M., Herzog M.H., The degraded Conrinuous Performance Test: no endophenotype for schrizophrenia, 2nd European Conference on Schizophenia Research, Berlin 2009
23. Roinishvili M., Chkonia E., Herzog M.H., Brand A., Shared backward masking deficits in schizophrenic and bipolar patients. 2nd European Conference on Schizophenia Research, Berlin 2009
24. Bakanidze G., Puls I., Brand A., Herzog M.H., Roinishvili M., Chkonia E. The influence of genetic variants of the CHRNA7 gene on backward masking in schizophrenic patients. 2nd European Conference on Schizophenia Research, Berlin 2009
25. Roinishvili M., Bakanidze G., Chkonia E. Brand A., Puls I., Herzog M.H. (2010). Visual backward masking deficits in schizophrenic patients are associated with polymorphisms in the nicotinic receptor 7 subunit gene (CHRNA7) .ECVP 2010, Lausanne, Switzerland
26. Roinishvili M., Chkonia E., Kapanadze G, Brand A., Herzog M.H., Plomp G. (2011). Ventral stream processing deficits in schizophrenia. ECVP 2011,Toulouse, France
27. Roinishvili M., Chkonia E., Reichard L., Wurch W., Puhlmann H., Grimsen C., Herzog M.H., Brand A. Backward masking reveals different visual processing of schizophrenic and depressive patients. ECVP 2012, Alghero, Italy.
28. Roinishvili M., Chkonia E., Tomescu M.I., Brand B., Michel C.M. Herzog M.H., Cappe C. (2013), Aberrant evoked and resting state EEG in schizophrenia. ECVP 2013, Bremen, Germany
29. Roinishvili M, Chkonia E., Reichard L., Wurch W., Puhlmann H., Grimsen C., Herzog M. H., Brand A. (2014). BACKWARD MASKING PERFORMANCE IN PSYCHOTIC AND NON-PSYCHOTIC PATIENTS. FENS, 5-9 September, Milan, Italy
30. Roinishvili M., Chkonia E., Cappe C., Shaqiri A., Brand A., Herzog M. H.. (2014). Endophenotypes of schizophrenia. Annual NCCR meeting, April, Villars, Switzerland.
31. Roinishvili M. III International Symposium: “Neuroplasticity: Nervous Substrate for Health and Diseases. New Approaches for Research“. 2-4 October, 2014, Tbilisi, Georgia
32. Roinishvili M. ECNP Seminar in Neuropsychopharmacology. 28-30 November, 2014 Lopota, Georgia
33. Shaqiri A., Roinishvili M., Favrod O., Chkonia E., Brand A., Herzog M. (2015). Endophenotypes of Schizophrenia: electrophysiological correlates of first episode patients. Annual meeting of NCCR, Villars, Switzerland, 17-18April, 2015.
34. Roinishvili, M., Cappe, C., Shaqiri, A., Brand, A., Chkonia, E., Herzog M.H. What crowding tells about schizophrenia. ECVP 2015, Liverpool, England.
35. როინიშვილი მ. ,, მხედველობითი უკუშენიღბვა ფსიქოზურ პაციენტებში“. მეცნიერებისა და ინოვაციების საერთაშორისო კვირეული. თბილისი, ნოემბერი, 2015
36. Roinishvili M., Lauffs, MM., Shaqiri, A., Brand, A., Chkonia, E.,Öğmen, H., Herzog, MH. (2016). Complex motion processing in patients with schizophrenia. ECNP2016 Vienna, Austria.
37. Roinishvili M., Chkonia E., Reichard L., Wurch W. et al.(2016) Visual Backward masking: a comparison between schizophrenia,depressive, schizoaffective, and bipolar patients. VSS 2016, 13-18 May; St. Pete Beach, Florida
38. Roinishvili, M., Chkonia, E., Reichard, L., Wurch, W., Puhlmann, H., Grimsen, C., Herzog, M. H., Brand, A. (2016). Backward masking performance in patients with functional psychoses. WPA 2016, Tbilisi,
39. Roinishvili, M., Oqruashvili, M.,Gamkrelidze, T.,Herzog, M. H.,Chkonia, E.,. (2016) Impaired cognitive functioning in first-episode patients. ECVP 2016, 28 August-1st of September; Barcelona, Spain
40. Roinishvili M., Favrod 0., Ramos Da Cruz J.,. Shaqiri A, Oqruashvili M., Gamkrelidze T., Chkonia E., Brand A. , Herzog M. H. (2017). 40th European Conference on Visual Perception (ECVP 2017), Berlin Germany
41. Roinishvili M., Grzeczkowski L, Shaqiri A., Okruashvili M., Chkonia E., Brand A., Mast F.W., Herzog M. H. (2018). Perception of visual illusions is intact in schizophrenia. 41th European on Visual Perception (ECVP 2018), Trieste, Italy
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