საერთაშორისო ექსპერტთა სამეცნიერო საბჭო

ნანახია 795-ჯერ
                                                            Chair of the Board

Mérab Kokaia

Professor, Director and Chair of Epilepsy Center, Department of Clinical Sciences,
Lund University Hospital, Lund, SWEDEN
T: +46 46 2220547
M: +46 706620899

                                                           Members of the Board:

Zaza (Zaal) Kokaia

PhD, Professor of Experimental Medical Research, Head of the Laboratory of Stem Cells & Restorative Neurology
@Lund Stem Cell Center,
Department of Clinical Sciences, 
Lund University,  Lund, SWEDEN
Tel: +46 46 222 0276
Fax: +46 46 222 0560

Geert Mayer

Professor Dr. Med.,Philipps-Universität Marburg
Baldinger Str. 35037 Marburg, Germany

Earl Carstens

PhD, Distinguished Professor of Neurobiology
University of California at Davis, Davis, CA, USA,1 Shields Avenue, Davis, CA 95616, USA    

James R. Connor

PhD.D., University Distinguished Professor,
Vice-Chair of Neurosurgery Director, G.M. Leader Family Laboratory
Penn State University College of Medicine
Hershey PA, 17033

Fausto J. Pinto

MD, PhD, FESC, FACC, FASE, FEACVI, FRSM, FSCAI, Professor of Cardiology at Faculty of Medicine, University of Lisbon.  
Head of Cardiovascular Dpt, University Hospital CHULN.

Bhanu P. Jena

Ph.D., D.Sc., (dr. h.c. mult.)
George E. Palade University Professor & Distinguished Professor, Wayne State University School of Medicine, Detroit, MI
President & Director, Viron "Molecular Medicine Institute" (MMI),
One Boston Place, 26th Floor,  Boston, MA 02108, USA, Office: 617-283-1087;      
Jena Lab: jenalaboratory.com; Viron "Molecular Medicine Institute" (MMI): vironinstitute.com


Zaza Katsarava

Professor, MD, PhD, MSc, Chief, Dept. of Neurology, Director, Center of Neurology, Geriatric Medicine and early Rehabilitation,
Evangelical Hospital.
Holbeinstrasse 10, 59423 Unna
T: 0049-2303-106-336
Fax: 0049-2303-106-134
Prof. of Neurology, Medical Faculty,
University of Essen 

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